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- memory.library/--Background--
- memory.library/CreateAdrSpace
- memory.library/DeleteAdrSpace
- memory.library/AllocVMemPool
- memory.library/DeleteVMemPool
- memory.library/AttachTask
- memory.library/DetachTask
- memory.library/AllocVMVec
- memory.library/FreeVMVec
- memory.library/LockVMVec
- memory.library/UnlockVMVec
- memory.library/--Background-- memory.library/--Background--
- The memory.library provides functions for memory allocation and
- deallocation that are superior to those of the exec.library.
- The functions of this library will provide so called "virtual memory"
- by using the mmu.library, memory that can be swapped to disk
- transparently to the application. Hence, applications will be usually
- able to allocate more memory than physically available.
- Certain access restrictions arise for memory allocated by the
- memory.library. First, you can't access it in Forbid() or Disable()
- state. Second, it can't be shared amongst different pools. You
- must explicitly attach the tasks that should be able to access memory
- from a given pool. Thus, you can't use this kind of memory for keeping
- Os structures since they may be passed to different tasks for further
- processing. Third, you MAY NOT access virtual memory in a situation
- where file I/O would be impossible. That is, DO NOT access this mem
- while:
- - holding a lock on the dos.library handler lists
- - disabling the filing system of the swap partition
- - making the swapping exec.device unaccessible
- - taking over the hardware
- The mmu.library will try to detect such situations and will throw
- a guru if that's possible. However, if it is not, these situations
- will result in a dead-lock! Keep care!
- This restriction can be somewhat weakened by the LockVMVec/UnlockVMVec
- functions. By calling these functions, you can lock a given memory
- vector in memory and hence, will be able access it WITHIN Forbid().
- It returns a pointer to the physical location of that memory block
- which must be used if that memory is passed to a different task or
- other hardware components.
- This kind of "virtual memory" is of course some kind of a
- "poor man's solution" for implementing virtual memory. No exec
- function will be patched and old programs will continue to work
- without any change. The library is of course of limited or no use
- at all for old programs since it doesn't redirect standard memory
- allocation functions to their "virtual" counterparts. Thus, this
- is a very "conservative" approach to overcome this limitation of
- AmigaOs.
- A special "VMM/GigaMem" patch might be made available that uses
- the functions of this library to provide virtual memory to every
- task. However, since this CAN'T be fully compatible to old programs
- and may, therefore, cause some compatibility problems. It should be
- up to the user if she/he likes to install a patch like this or not,
- but it should NOT the way how virtual memory enters AmigaOs, at
- least not now.
- The basic objects the memory.library handles is first the
- "AddressSpace" object. It defines - as it says - an common
- address space for the tasks attachted to it. It is the memory.library
- implementation of the mmu.library "context". Each address space can
- be linked to as many tasks as you wish, but a task can be attached
- to only one address space at a time.
- The actual memory allocation is done from "VMPools". They are the
- memory.library counterpart of the exec "memory pools". Each address
- space may contain as many "VMPools" as you wish, but only tasks
- attachted to the address space of the pool can use it.
- memory.library/CreateAdrSpace memory.library/CreateAdrSpace
- CreateAdrSpace - create a new address space.
- BOOL CreateAdrSpace( );
- d0
- BOOL CreateAdrSpace( VOID );
- Build a new address space and attach the calling task to this
- address space.
- none.
- a true/false boolean success indicator.
- This call will build a new mmu.library "Context" for the calling
- task and will enter this context for this task. The task calling
- this function should not be attachted to any other address space
- or this task will fail. A task can be attached to one address
- space at a time only.
- This call will change the tc_Switch() and tc_Launch() function
- pointers of the calling task.
- DeleteAdrSpace(), exec/tasks.h
- memory.library/DeleteAdrSpace memory.library/DeleteAdrSpace
- DeleteAdrSpace - delete an address space.
- DeleteAdrSpace( );
- DeleteAdrSpace( void );
- This call deletes the address space of the calling task. It will
- leave the private context build for this address space and will
- enter the global context.
- none.
- nothing.
- This call uses the CurrentContext() call of the mmu.library and
- deletes this context. The task is then re-attachted to the global
- common context. No virtual memory must be used at that time, nor
- any other task may be attachted to this address space.
- It is safe to call this function if the calling task isn't attached
- to any address space. Nothing will happen in this case.
- CreateAdrSpace(), mmu.library/CurrentContext()
- memory.library/AllocVMPool memory.library/AllocVMPool
- AllocVMPool - create a pool of virtual memory.
- pool = AllocVMPool( reqments, attributes );
- d0 d0 d1
- VMPool * AllocVMPool( ULONG, ULONG );
- Creates a memory pool for virtual memory and adds the calling task
- to the list of tasks that can safely use this pool.
- reqments - an exec style memory attributes flags field.
- This defines the memory type the pool will be taken from,
- not ANY implications about the logical addresses asssigned
- to the memory allocated from that pool. Thus, if you call
- LockVMVec() later on, that vector will be mapped to the
- memory described by the reqments above.
- The following bits, defined in exec/memory.h will be
- ignored:
- MEMF_PUBLIC - as the pool is always private in
- this sense.
- MEMF_CLEAR - as this flag must be specified
- individually when allocating memory from the pool.
- attributes - special attribute flags.
- VMEMF_PRIVATE - make the memory in the pool invalid
- to other tasks.
- VMEMF_PROTECT - protect the underlying MMU context.
- VMEMF_NONCACHE - mark the memory in the pool
- explicitly as noncacheable
- (defaults to the cache type of the physical memory)
- VMEMF_PRECISE - mark the memory in the pool as
- requiring the precise exception model.
- (only for special MMUs, not available in general)
- VMEMF_SERIALIZED- mark the memory as serialized non-
- cacheable.
- (only for special MMUs, not available in general).
- A handle to the pool or NULL in case of failure. The calling
- task will be prepared to use the memory in the pool.
- To use this call, a private address context must have been
- build before.
- CreateAdrSpace(), DeleteVMPool(), exec/memory.h
- memory.library/DeleteVMPool memory.library/DeleteVMPool
- DeleteVMPool - Delete a virtual memory pool.
- result = DeleteVMPool( pool);
- d0 a0
- BOOL DeleteVMPool (VMPool *);
- Deletes the given virtual memory pool in question, releases the
- memory occupied by the pool and the release the used space on disk.
- pool - a handle to a VMPool as created by AllocVMPool.
- Passing in NULL is safe.
- A boolean that indicates whether some memory in the pool is
- still allocated. Can be usually ignored but is useful for
- debugging.
- AllocVMPool()
- memory.library/AttachTask memory.library/AttachTask
- AttachTask - attach a task to the address space of the calling task.
- result = AttachTask( task);
- d0 a1
- BOOL AttachTask(struct Task *);
- To allow another task sharing the same address space than the calling
- task, this new task must be attached to the common address space
- with this call. Afterwards, the task passed in the parameter may
- use the same virtual memory pools as the calling task.
- task - The task to be added to the allowed tasks for the
- address space of the calling task.
- a boolean indicating whether it was possible to add the task to
- the adrspc.
- It is intentionally not possible to add tasks to an address space
- of a different task than the calling one.
- DetachTask()
- memory.library/DetachTask memory.library/DetachTask
- DetachTask - remove the calling task from its address space.
- DetachTask( );
- VOID DetachTask( VOID );
- Remove the calling task from its address space and let it enter
- the common context again. The address space itself will continue
- to exist.
- none.
- nothing.
- The current task is, after calling this function, no longer allowed
- to use any virtual memory allocated by the memory.library pool
- functions of that pool.
- The only use of this function is to pass an address space from a
- creator task to its children, i.e. by first calling CreateAdrSpace,
- then launching the child process, attaching the child process to
- that address space and removing the creator task from that pool.
- It's then up to the children to remove themselves from that address
- space on exit and to delete the address space created this way.
- It is safe to call this function if the current task isn't attached
- to any address space. Nothing will happen in this case.
- AttachTask(), CreateAdrSpace()
- memory.library/AllocVMVec memory.library/AllocVMVec
- AllocVMVec - allocate virtual memory from a pool.
- mem = AllocVMVec( pool, bytesize, flags);
- d0 a0 d0 d1
- void * AllocVMVec( Pool *, ULONG, ULONG);
- This function allocates memory from a given virtual pool.
- pool - The pool to allocate the memory from.
- bytesize- The size of the memory required. This might be larger
- than the amount of physical memory available, but you won't
- be able to access the complete memory block at once or
- to lock it in memory.
- flags - allocation flags. The following flags are used:
- MEMF_PUBLIC The returned memory will be public, i.e.
- non-virtual.
- MEMF_REVERSE The memory will be allocated from the pool
- in reverse order.
- MEMF_CLEAR The memory will be wiped out before it is
- passed back.
- All other memory relevant flags as the caching mode and whether
- the memory is in CHIP or in FAST memory is determined by the
- flags used when allocating the pool.
- the memory block allocated or NULL for failure. If the calling
- task is a process, the pr_Result2 field will be set to
- This call may break a Forbid() state. It may swap out pages of
- virtual memory if necessary.
- The returned memory will be aligned to at least one longword,
- the size might be rounded somewhat, but will at least contain
- the number of bytes specified by the argument.
- To be able to allocate memory from the pool, the calling task
- must have been the creator of that pool or must have been added
- to the list of allowed tasks for that pool with AttachTask().
- FreeVMVec(), AttachTask(), exec/memory.h
- memory.library/FreeVMVec memory.library/FreeVMVec
- FreeVMVec - allocate virtual memory from a pool.
- FreeVMVec( pool, mem);
- a0 a1
- VOID FreeVMVec( Pool *, void *);
- a0 a1
- This function returns memory allocated from the pool.
- pool - The pool the memory was taken from.
- mem - The memory vector to free. No byte size is passed,
- the size is implicit. It is safe to pass NULL here. No
- action is performed in this case.
- none.
- This call may break a Forbid() state. It may swap in pages of
- virtual memory if necessary.
- To be able to call this function, the calling task must either
- the creator of the pool, or any other task that has been attached
- to the pool with AttachTask().
- AllocVMVec(), AttachTask()
- memory.library/LockVMVec memory.library/LockVMVec
- LockVMVec - Lock a memory vector in memory.
- phmem = LockVMVec( pool, mem);
- d0 a0 a1
- void * LockVMVec( Pool *, void *);
- This function locks the specified vector in memory such that it
- is guaranteed to be non-virtual and accessable by all tasks and
- to all Os functions. The physical address of that memory is
- returned as it should be used to "the outher world".
- pool - a handle to the memory pool the memory was taken from.
- mem - the pointer to the memory vector in question. This is
- the logical address returned by AllocVMVec, not a physical
- address.
- a pointer to the location of that memory block in physical memory
- or NULL if not enough physical memory is available to swap in that
- page in question.
- The calling task must be either the task that created the pool,
- or any other task that was attachted to that pool.
- Using this call turns effectively private virtual memory in
- standard exec memory. Therefore, not too many virtual pages should
- be locked and this call should be avoided in general unless you
- need to swap in the virtual memory in question TEMPORARILY. Call
- UnlockVMVec() as soon as possible to allow swapping out of the
- memory again.
- Due to the memory paging of the MMU, this call swaps actually more
- than the desired memory block in.
- This call may break a forbid state, it MAY fail if not enough
- physical memory is available.
- This call nests - each call to LockVMVec() must be matched by one
- call to UnlockVMVec().
- UnlockVMVec()
- memory.library/UnlockVMVec memory.library/UnlockVMVec
- UnlockVMVec - Lock a memory vector in memory.
- UnlockVMVec( pool, mem);
- a0 a1
- VOID UnlockVMVec( Pool *, void *);
- This function unlocks a memory block and re-allows swapping out
- of that memory block.
- pool - a handle to the memory pool the memory was taken from.
- mem - the pointer to the memory vector in question, the
- logical address.
- nothing.
- The calling task must be either the task that created the pool,
- or any other task that was attachted to that pool.
- This call turns locked memory again in virtual memory and allows
- the library to swap it out again.
- DO NOT use the physical address returned by LockVMMem() again
- after having called this function.
- LockVMVec()